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iTunes Technical Requirements

Check your content meets the following technical requirements before submitting to Remote Digital:

ProRes HQ

  • iTunes require Apple ProRes HQ

  • File delivery to us must include the feature and a preview / trailer. You should also include any closed captions, subtitles and alternative audio you wish to deliver to iTunes.

  • The feature must contain a full complement of chapter markers, including a chapter marker at and one at the last frame. This can be supplied as a text file.

  • A language and country must be selected for your iTunes Store Package.

  • If your feature contains subtitles, closed captions or alternative audio tracks, you must assign the correct language and other settings for each of these items.


  • Where content was created in HD or an HD version is available in a competing format or market, the HD version must be submitted for iTunes distribution.

  • HD content must have square pixel aspect ratio.

  • SD content must be supplied in SD and not converted to HD.

  • Video must be provided in the frame rate in which it was produced.

  • All video content must maintain a consistent aspect ratio.

  • Video content must have between 0.5 – 1 second black, audio-free at the beginning and end of the video.


  • If 5.1 Surround audio is available in any competing format or market, it must be provided to iTunes in addition to the stereo tracks.

  • Each audio channel must be assigned and properly labelled.

  • Submitted assets must not have blank audio channels.


  •     Poster artwork must be a JPEG or PNG file, RGB format set to a minimum size of 1400 x 2100 (w x h) pixels, 2:3 aspect ratio.


  • A complete and accurate metadata profile must be submitted for content to be accepted for sale on the iTunes Store. For multi-territory distribution, metadata must be provided in each distribution language.

  • The metadata profile must include:

  • Synopsis – Production Company – Release date – Rating – Cast members including roles – Key crew members – Pricing tier – Release territory – Sales information – Video-on-demand information.

Subtitles and captions

  • Subtitles must be provided in iTunes Timed Text (.itt) format. If you have subtitles in another format, Remote Digital can convert these to .itt format for a small conversion fee. If you require subtitles, Remote Digital can arrange for these in any language.

  • Captions must be provided in .scc format. If you have captions in another format, Remote Digital can convert these to .scc format for a small conversion fee.

Ready to deliver your content to iTunes?

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